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WHOはインフルエンザワクチン接種を推奨している - うさうさメモ




インフルエンザワクチン、WHO「感染予防効果は期待できない」 免疫悪化との研究も | ビジネスジャーナル

Key facts

  • Seasonal influenza is an acute viral infection that spreads easily from person to person.
  • Seasonal influenza viruses circulate worldwide and can affect anybody in any age group.
  • Seasonal influenza viruses cause annual epidemics that peak during winter in temperate regions.
  • Seasonal influenza is a serious public health problem that causes severe illness and death in high risk populations.
  • An influenza epidemic can take an economic toll through lost workforce productivity and strain health services.

-Influenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent infection.

  • Antiviral drugs are available for treatment, however influenza viruses can develop resistance to the drugs.


The most effective way to prevent the disease and/or severe outcomes from the illness is vaccination. Safe and effective vaccines are available and have been used for more than 60 years. Among healthy adults, influenza vaccine can provide reasonable protection. However among the elderly, influenza vaccine may be less effective in preventing illness but may reduce severity of disease and incidence of complications and deaths.

Vaccination is especially important for people at higher risk of serious influenza complications, and for people who live with or care for high risk individuals.

WHO recommends annual vaccination for:

  • pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy
  • children aged 6 months to 5 years
  • elderly individuals (≥65 years of age)
  • individuals with chronic medical conditions
  • health-care workers.

Influenza vaccination is most effective when circulating viruses are well-matched with vaccine viruses. Influenza viruses are constantly changing, and the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) – a partnership of National Influenza Centres around the world –monitors the influenza viruses circulating in humans.

For many years WHO has updated its recommendation on vaccine composition biannually that targets the 3 (trivalent) most representative virus types in circulation (two subtypes of influenza A viruses and one B virus). Starting with the 2013-2014 northern hemisphere influenza season, quadrivalent vaccine composition has been recommended with a second influenza B virus in addition to the viruses in the conventional trivalent vaccines. Quadrivalent influenza vaccines are expected to provide wider protection against influenza B virus infections.



ビジネスジャーナルの人は、まず英語・日本語の壁を超えた、文章の読み方からなっていないのが大変よく分かるが、わざわざKey facts(要点)を読み飛ばし、おそらく赤字の部分だけを無理矢理解釈して、「世界保健機関(WHO)のホームページを見ても、『ワクチンでインフルエンザ感染の予防効果は期待できない』と認めています」と言っているが、文章を細切れにして作文しないとそうは読めない。

Google 翻訳
「However among the elderly, influenza vaccine may be less effective in preventing illness but may reduce severity of disease and incidence of complications and deaths.」

